Wine glasses have stems for three main reasons: to avoid warming the wine, to facilitate swirling, and to avoid fingerprinting or smudging the bowl.
Category: glass repair
The most vulnerable part of a wine glass is its delicate stem. This is also the most difficult part to fix successfully because the area to be glued is very small and a strong bond is therefore hard...
How to repair a chip in a wine glass – all you need to know!
Crystal wine glasses from companies like Waterford and Baccarat retail for up to $100 per stem and their delicate rims often get chipped by careless handling. Considering the price and sentimental...
Waterford & other types of crystal can be repaired by grinding down chips, cleaning stains, polishing scratches, freeing stuck stoppers, & gluing broken stems.
Dalle de Verre, from the French "slab of glass" has been a popular way to make stained glass windows since the mid-1950s. Although it appears to be stronger than traditional leaded glass, it can be...
Stained Glass or Art-Glass lampshades are jewelry for your home but they are fragile and easily broken At Artistry in Glass, we have been restoring broken stained glass lampshades since 1986...